Welcome to the Blue Zones Cooking Course

Informed and inspired by the world’s longest-lived cultures, our mission is to empower everyone, everywhere to live longer, better.

What if I told you there is another American diet? One that could actually increase your life expectancy by up to 10 years and in some cases reverse disease? In this course, we are exploring what the people in the Blue Zones actually ate and are unlocking the secrets of their cooking techniques and flavor combinations that get them to live longer and healthier lives. Join us on the Blue Zones cooking journey with lots of new material and updates to the original Blue Zones.

Our Values

We believe that routine natural movement throughout the day contributes to longevity. We believe that a plant-slant diet leads to a longer, healthier life. We believe that relationships with family, friends, and people of faith lengthen lifespans. We believe that a strong sense of purpose in life leads to longevity.

Online Course Highlights

  • Take the Blue Zones concept and bring them right to your kitchen

  • Have Blue Zones author Dan Buettner lead you through the course

  • Recipes from Blue Zones communities that the books were inspired by

  • Over 100 recipes to choose from

  • Learn to cook for your own community for longevity

  • New and updated content from Dan Buettner about the communities

  • Get valuable feedback from our chefs on techniques and cooking styles